Awesems (EN)

Awesems’ software makes charging stations smart. Electric driving is good for the environment and an awesome experience.

Awesems’ software makes charging stations smart. Electric driving is good for the environment and an awesome experience.

What product or which service does the startup provide?
Awesems’ software makes charging stations smart. Electric driving is good for the environment and an ‘insane’ experience. Awesems develops, installs, maintains and operates smart charging points for electric transport, aimed at an ‘Awesems’ customer experience. ‘Smart’ because the chargers are connected to the back office, so we can read things remotely and predict and prevent malfunctions in advance. A charger is physical, it is the software that makes a charging station smart. For example, we link charging behavior to the energy market, so that a car will start charging when a lot of 100% green energy is available at the lowest rate and then supply this energy directly to the charging stations!

Who are the products or services intended for?
Owners of charging stations increasingly want management in their own hands. We want to do intelligent things that contribute to facilitating and accelerating the energy transition on e-Mobility. No fancy stories, just do it. We have developed a platform that parties can use that want to do something with charging infrastructure as if it were their own platform. The platform is therefore for both private parties such as companies with one or more branches and an electric vehicle fleet that want to manage their total charging infrastructure and energy, and public parties such as municipalities that want total management and insight into their charging infrastructure to manage including the Regional Energy Strategy.

Which problem does the startup solve exactly?
Owners of charging stations, companies or governments, now purchase their charging stations from market parties who also take over customer contact and management. The costs are also not always transparent. Owners increasingly want to do the management themselves, but also want to maintain customer contact themselves and make use of available green energy. We offer them the software infrastructure and transparency to do this. Via our platform they can turn all the buttons themselves, make management part of their IT and energy infrastructure and link them to their own business processes. Freedom is our number one priority.