Ways2Go (EN)

  • Ways2Go

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Together with Ways2Go, VoorDeThuiswerkers conducted a test in the autumn of 2021, in which self-employed workers with the need to rent a workspace (without certainty) could use an empty hotel room to work. Based on this practical test, startup VoorDeThuiswerkers is continuing to develop their concept.

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Gemeente Zoetermeer (EN)

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, MRDH and the municipality of Zoetermeer are conducting a pilot with Figo to give students of the university of applied sciences access via the platform to more mobility services in the neighbourhood, such as shared bicycles and shared scooters, in addition to public transport.

High Tech Campus (EN)

Start-up Dreamwaves is experimenting at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven with an app that navigates you to your destination based on smart sounds.